When ever your walkin around West Brighton your gunna see these 2 menso'z.
Birthdate: September 20-something, 1988 Fav Color: Green Birthplace: Staten Island, NY |
Birthdate: December 23, 1988
Fav Color: Red
Birthplace: Brooklyn,NY
The Storiez
Andres' Second Knee Cap It had been a rainy morning and by the time we went out for lunch most of the playground was still wet. My little group of people who I chilled with at lunch, we all had this little thing where we would hop on the bench and pretend to grind it and then hop off (yes I know it was corny and stupid but FUCK YOU!). Well today since it was wet I decided to actually grind the bench (the benches by the way were solid cement). I went and grinded the whole bench, but when I came to the end my foot slipped off the bench and I fell back slamming my shin right on the bench. My friends saw me do the bench and they thought it was hott and were like "YOO MAN THAT WAS AWESOME!!" and I was just like "OOOWWWWWW THIS FUCKING HURTS!" I sat there in pain for the rest of the lunch, but I didn’t want to look at it. Then when we were all going back inside I decided on another stunt. There were 2 garbage cans by the big fence. So I went to jump over the first one jump off the big fence and over the second one. Well I ended up catching my foot on the second one and knocking everything over. So now theres a huge garbage mess all over the floor, everyone is now looking at me, the dean is yelling at me to pick up the trash and my friends all left me there. So I get everything cleaned up and I go to class, which is when I finally look at my shin…it was fucking huge. It swelled to the point where my shin looked like I had another kneecap right in the middle of it and it was bleeding. My friend Jonathan Padro, better known as "peanut", was all like "dude you should see the nurse about that" and I didn’t want to so he told the teacher and I just should the teacher the other shin and he left me alone. By the end of the day my sock was full of blood and everyone had another story to tell…man I miss 61