Up, Close and Personal
Casa Page

Tito N Tom

John N Nize

Andres N Chris

Maria N Keme

Jen Krystin N Paul

Closer look at d Hottiez

Up Close and Personal

Guest Book Page

This is where you'll find songs, quotes and poems writtin by people in the group. But unfortunatley no bodys sending me any!!!!!!!!! So you want your stuff up send it to me ASAP!!!

"You told me once my prince would come....Little did i know dat prince was you" - Nize

" No matter the weather well be together" - John

"La La La La La Ta Ta Ta Ta" - Tom

"Theres a place where love exists. Where love is clear and truthfull. Where love guides you. Where love is there for people who truly deserve. Where love never leaves you and never hurts you too bad this place is only in my dreams"- Andres

"If your ass was a Chinese restaurant it'd be the Poo-Poo Platter ! !.....What did one mushroom say to the other ? I'm a Fun-gi ! ! "- Krystin

"if there was one thing i could do wit my life it would have to be.....eat everything im not supposed to eat like dirt or wood porque lo que no mata, engorda"-Tito

"Hip Hop is only dead to those who want it to be.....New York State Of Mind"-Paul

Black Rain
life so filled with anger, sorrow and fear
black teardrops falling from my scard face
and leeving me bruises dat lasts for years
broken hearts, dirty lies and everlastin misery
just to be forgotten in all da pages of our history
disgusted by the fear instilled in the children around da world today
in pain because of the all the ruined land and all da black rain
being told lies over and over again
not being able to hear the truth
just looking for a trustworthy friend
and waiting for a future to look forward to
hating everything around me because of all this violence
hating to be in the darkness of my own room and hearing nothing but silence
wanting to take away all da bad things thats filling my head with sorrow
needing something to smile for so im not gloomy tomorrow
wanting to leeve da world for just a millenium maybe even one little month 
or at least til all this sorrow leeves me and all this Black Rain drys up--Tito